Weight loss program

  • This program is designed to promote healthy living in all phases of life. After an in-depth screening, our team will conduct weekly check-ins with complex tracking methods to ensure you are safely reaching your health goals.

    We also offer simple nutrition plans and more to help you feel your best.

  • 12 Month Program: $250/month

    9 Month Program: $350/month

    6 month Program: $450/month

    3 Month Program: $550/month

    Discounted rates apply for payment made in full installment (exclusions apply)

  • Initial Consultation (Review of medical history and physical and laboratory values to ensure candidacy)

    Medication with supplies

    Weekly Dose Titration

    Simple Meal Plan with recommended grocery list

    Weekly Wellness Checks


    Body Composition Analysis

    Vital Signs

    Food Journal Review

    Vitamin B12/lipotrophic Injection

    Contact Us for more detailed information.

b-12 Injection + Lipotropic injection

  • B-12 vitamin injections boost energy, brain function, mood, & metabolism.

  • $25/Injection

    Buy 4, Get 1 Free.


  • IV hydration therapy, also known as intravenous hydration therapy, is a medical treatment that delivers essential fluids, vitamins, and minerals directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous (IV) line. This method allows for rapid absorption and can help replenish hydration levels, boost energy, and alleviate certain symptoms related to dehydration, fatigue, hangovers, and illness.

  • Weight Loss (B Complex, L-Taurine, B12): $136

    Get Up & Glow: (B Complex, Glutamine, Arginine, Ornithine, Lysine, Citrulline): $134

    Immunity (Ascorbic Acid, B Complex, Zinc): $143

    Hangover Reboot: (Odansetron (i.e zofran), B Complex, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Magnesium): $148

Weight loss memberships

Stop letting the scale control you! Learn how to maintain your results while enjoying life!

Transform Your Life with Glow by K2 Weight Loss Memberships!

At Glow by K2, we promote a sustainable mindset that emphasizes nourishing your body with whole foods, staying active in ways you love, and prioritizing your mental well-being. By focusing on overall well-being rather than fixating on the scale, you can cultivate a healthier relationship with yourself and your body.

Our memberships are designed to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle, be more confident, and love the skin you're in. As qualified Nurse Practitioners, we have crafted our programs to guarantee results! Let's get started!


